Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to my Mom ... a modern day Proverbs 31 woman!

As a single, 24 year old mother of three (twins plus my sister 13 months later) my mom cooked, cleaned, made all of our clothes, curtains, and even made beautiful quilts on a frame she built in our garage. She planted vegetables, re-upholstered our furniture, and made household decorations made out of bark, egg shells and even dried flowers found in fields. She made furniture, painted, and was an amazing artist! Her list of talents just goes on and on.

She read her Bible everyday, took us to church weekly and nurtured a biblical foundation that remains with me to this day.

She never remarried and gave of herself completely to us, strangers and to the elderly. My mom died too soon, unexpectedly, but God was with her during her entire life all the way through the end. I always thought she never got to really experience and live life, but she did live the life she wanted to lead. I never thought to tell her that all of my dreams, successes and creativity stems from her being my Mom. I wish she was alive today so that I could:

"Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." - Proverbs 31:31